10 Reasons Golf is an Unusual Sport – Is Golf Even A Sport?

Is Golf A Real Sport?

YES! Golf is a real sport… and an unusual sport.

There are several unusual aspects of the game of golf… because golf is an unusual sport.

According to some, if you can eat, drink, and and enjoy a cigar while you’re doing it, then it’s not a real sport. That is a joke, of course; there is no question in OUR minds that golf is arguably the best sport of all.

Here are our 10 reasons why golf is an unusual sport:

1. Golf Scoring:

Golf Score - Self-Reporting: #1 Reason Golf is an Unusual Sport

In Golf, You Keep Your Own Score

You generally self-report your score (OK OK not at the tournament level!).

There is a lot of honour system involved here, and a golfer’s handicap is what tells others about that golfer’s level of play. We use and love the GolfPad app for scoring on the course!

While most people, especially when starting out, give themselves some slack on the course, or even some “mulligans” (do-overs), it is in your own interest to keep yourself honest so that you will recognize the inevitable progress you will make, the more often you get out on the course!


2. Variation in Venues:

Every Golf Course Has Its Own Challenges: Golf Score : #2 Reason Golf is an Unusual Sport

Every Golf Course Is Different and Unique

The venue is hugely important and has a great impact on your score (do you have a course which is your “nemesis”?).

Each golf course has its own challenges, from incline and length to various hazards.

Some courses are notoriously difficult, whether they have very long or narrow fairways, difficult greens, steep hills, or tricky hazards. That doesn’t make them any less rewarding to play on – especially for seasoned golfers.

Many golfers have what they consider to be a “home course,” where they may have a membership or live close to, where they most frequently play. As you may already have noticed, knowing the course is an advantage in “course management”.


3. Competition / Opponents (Yourself!):

Golfers Play Against Themselves: Golf Score: #3 Reason Golf is an Unusual Sport

You Play Against Yourself In Golf

You play against YOURSELF, even when you play with or against others

While some golfers are competitive, and may even play for bets, many are simply out for the fresh air, exercise, and to hone their own skills. Some golfers are very social and don’t even count their scores (especially when starting out!). Whichever type of golf scorer you are, you are always competing against your own best score. You may find it helps you in other areas of self-improvement!

4. Level Playing Field With Golf Handicap:

The Golf Handicap Levels The Playing Field: #4 Reason Golf is an Unusual Sport

Keeping Record Of Your Scores Gives You Your Handicap

Your “HANDICAP” allows you to play with/against others who are vastly better or worse players. Although not unique, the concept of handicapping makes golf an unusual sport. You can find a somewhat perplexing list of sports and games which have a handicapping system on Wikipedia by clicking here.

One of the wonderful aspects of the game of golf is that both experienced and inexperienced players can golf together. You may notice this particularly in married couples go out together as a foursome and not all of the spouses are equally matched.

As long as everyone is able to keep up – and this MAY involve simply picking up a ball and moving up the course in situations where there is a “blow-up” (repeatedly mis-hitting), players of all levels can play with and against each other on a level playing field if they have a “handicap”.  Your handicap is calculated based on your playing history. Your GolfPad App can automatically calculate your handicap for you! Here is what we think of the GolfPad App (spoiler: we love it!)

5. Age and Golf:

Golf is for all ages - from childhood to centenarian: #5 Reason Golf is an Unusual Sport

From Toddler To Centenarian:

Golf  is a sport played actively by both children and centenarians.

Children’s junior golf clubs start out at size zero, for children aged 3-5 and the fun never ends as long as you are mobile enough to get out on the course.

Check out this 103-year-old golfer who just beat the 102-year-old’s record for being the oldest golfer to hit a hole-in-one.

According to Kidzworld.com, Tiger Woods began learning golf at the age of 6 months, watching his father play golf and attempting to imitate his swing!


6. Enjoy Nature When You Play Golf:

Enjoy nature as you play golf on beautiful courses

Natural Beauty Surrounds You On Any Golf Course

You can truly enjoy nature as you golf. If you were an alien and you were running Planet Earth and wanted to provide a nice habitat for your pet humans, you would probably want to create lovely, pleasant habitats for their beloved pets to roam, frolic, and enjoy.

Typical on golf courses are sweeping green fairways, breathtaking water treatments (hazards!), velvet-smooth putting greens, and a pretty place for a wandering deer or squirrel to make a cameo appearance.

Golf courses provide beautiful oases in our communities, where all-too-often, most of the land has been developed for housing. If you have a hectic urban or suburban life, a golf course can be a calming natural refuge where you can still your mind, hear the birds sing, and take a fresh breath to get re-centred.


7. Golf Etiquette:

Golf Etiquette Is Important

Good Manners Are Critical – In Golf As In Life

The fact that both experienced / advanced and totally novice players are able to play together is made possible by a fairly well-established etiquette which makes golf a wonderfully social sport as well as great exercise for everyone.

You may find that minding your manners during your golf games makes you more aware of the importance of etiquette in your day-to-day life!


8. Keep-Up With Fellow Golfers But NEVER RUN:

Walk Quickly But Never Run On The Golf Course

Walk; Don’t Run On The Golf Course

Back to the etiquette thing… part of what makes golf an elegant sport is not doing anything which would cause you to spill your drink (just kidding – but seriously: don’t run!). This is another idiosyncrasy which makes golf such an unusual sport.

It may be tempting to break into a run when it feels as though you are not keeping up with your golf party (especially for novice golfers), but don’t do it. It’s just not cool.

According to Wikipedia:

“Golfers should avoid distracting fellow golfers. Golfers should not run during play, but instead walk quickly but lightly during play and remain stationary while others play their shots.”



Golf Requires Mental Focus

More Important Than Physical Fitness: Mental Focus

Of course, all sports are about attitude, but golf in particular is a game where so much of your score is going to be a direct result of focus and… faith…? And… fluke…? How many hole-in-ones are shot by novices who don’t seem to realize how improbable it is?! Golf is definitely a dad-bod-friendly sport (another reason that golf is an unusual sport): you do not need to be an “athletic type” to enjoy and excel at golf… if Gus Andreone of Sarasota can hit a hole-in-one at 103-years-old, it means you don’t need to be chiseled and ripped to play a great round!

10. The 19th Hole:

Best Things About Golf - The 19th Hole

Otherwise Known As The Clubhouse!

One of the unique aspects of the game of golf is the tradition of sharing a meal, a snack, and/or a drink at the end of a game. Beware the 19th hole if you have hit a hole-in-one during your game: you will have to buy a drink for everyone at the bar!

Counterintuitive, yes – did we mention that golf is an unusual sport? You would expect everyone else to be offering you a drink and a pat on the back but … well… that is well-established golf etiquette and we simply don’t question it!

What differentiates golf from other sports?

We’ve put together a 10-point list of some of the unique aspects of golf, as an unusual game. Of course all sports are unique and have specific rules, but golf is in a league of its own with an entire “lifestyle overlay.”

You will find people on the course who do not seem “athletic,” but who can play a great round of golf. You will also find people in tip-top athletic condition, not to mention the professional golfers who compete in and win tournaments. Good luck if you are trying to tell them that golf is not a sport.

Golf is somewhere between a sport which requires a high level of physical fitness, such as soccer, and an indoor sport, such as billiards or pool, where physical fitness is of little concern. The Rules of Sport website has a fun article “defending” pool as an actual sport (as opposed to a game).